Page:Sushruta Samhita Vol 3.djvu/105

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Chap. XVII.]

eight kinds of) urine, should be put inside the hollow (marrowless) bone of a nocturnal bird (such as the vulture, etc.) and kept immersed for a month in unruffled (currentless) water. The Anjana thus prepared may be used with advantage, in combination with Madhuka (Yashti-madhu) and the flowers of Meshaśringi in the Tri-doshaja types of Kátcha. As an alternative, all the measures and remedies (e. g., Tarpana, Puta-páka, etc.) *[1] applicable in all the three Doshas should be employed in such cases. 29.

Treatment of blood origined Parimláyi: — Measures and remedies mentioned in connection with the Pittaja type of Timira should be employed in a case of blood-origined Parimláyi. In the alternative, the remedial agents prescribed for the treatment of the different kinds of Ophthalmia (Abhishyanda) should be as well prescribed according to the nature of the deranged Doshas involved in the case. In case the deranged Doshas are not thereby subdued, Nasyas of the proper drug, as well as the many other Anjanas (collyrium) mentioned in the (next) Chapter on Kriyá-kalpa should be employed. 30.

Diet: — A person carefully partaking of old and matured clarified butter, Triphalá, Śatávari, Patola, Mudga, Ámalaka, Yava (barley) as diet enjoys immunity from all attacks of the dreadful Timira. Simply the Páyasa[2] prepared with Śatávari, or with Ámalaka or a meal of barley corns cooked with the decoction

  1. * According to some, the measures and remedies to be applied in such cases are the measures of Rasa-kriyá applicable in cases of Vátaja, Pittaja and Kaphaja Timira.
  2. † The Páayasa of Śatávari and Ámalaki should be prepared by duly cooking Śatávari or Ámalaki, as the case may be, with milk and sugar. According to others, however, it means the gruel (Yavágu) prepared with the expressed juice of Śatávari or Ámalaki.