Page:Sushruta Samhita Vol 3.djvu/107

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Chap. XVII]

cal) measures to be employed for curing a case of LinganáśA (obstruction or choking up at the pupil with a cataract) due to the action of the deranged Kapha. In cases where the deranged Dosha in the organ, i.e., the affected part of the organ does not appear semi-circular or thin in the middle, nor, fixed, (hard) nor irregular (in shape), nor marked by a large number of lines or a variety of tints, or where it does not resemble a pearl or a drop of water in shape, or if it does not become painful and red coloured, the patient should be first treated with Sneha and Sveda at a season of the year which is neither too cold nor too hot for the purpose. Then the hands, etc., of the patient should be secured with proper fastenings and he should be made to sit, looking simultaneously (with his two eyes) at (the tip of) his nose. Then the intelligent surgeon leaving off two portions of the white part of the eye-ball from the end of the Apánga (the end of the eye) and having fully and carefully drawn apart the eye-lids with his thumb and the index and the middle fingers, should insert the Yava-vaktra (needle) instrument*[1] through the sides of the natural apperture-like point near the external angles of the eye, neither above nor below, care being taken not to pierce the veins. The left eye should be pierced with the right hand, and the right with the left. The satisfactory nature of the operation (perforation) should be presumed from the characteristic report or sound and the emission of a drop of water †[2] from the affected region, following upon the perforation. 34-35.

  1. * Both S'rikantha Datta and S'ivadása, the commentators respectively of Vrinda and Chakradatta, read meaning that the S'aláká (rod) shoukl be made of copper.
  2. † Blood would come out if the perforation be not satisfactorily done.