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Chap. XVIII. ]

long a period as one would take to count five hundred, six hundred, eight hundred, and ten hundred syllabless respectively in cases of healthy persons and persons with Kapha-origined, Pitta-origined and Váyu-origined diseases of the eye. According to certain authorities, the periods of such retention (of clarified butter) should vary with the seat of the affection (in the eye-ball). The clarified butter mentioned above should, according to them, be retained in the cavities of the eye for as long a period as one would take to utter three hundred, five hundred, seven hundred, one thousand, or eight hundred syllables respectively in cases of the diseases confined to the region of the Sandhi, Vartman, Śukla, Krishna, the eye in general (Sarva-gata) and the Drishti of the eye*[1]. The clarified butter should then be secreted through the interior corner of the affected organ which should be purified by applying poultices of pasted barley. The Kapha, deranged by the use of this Sneha-Purana should be then conquered by making the patient inhale some kind of Kapha-subduing Dhuma (smoke). This rule †[2] should be observed for one, three or five days in succession. 4.

Symptoms of satisfactory, excessive and defective Tarpana:-Sleep at the first call, unembarrassed waking, cessation of secretion, clearness of vision, agreeable sensation, perceptible amelioration of the disease, and lightness of the organ

  1. * According to some, the 'Purana' should be retained in the eye for a period required to count one thousand syllables in cases of Sarva-gata and eighteen hundred words in cases of Drishti-gata eye-diseases.
  2. † According to Gayadása, this rule should be observed for one, three, or five days in cases of the preponderance of Váyu, Pitta and Kapha respectively, and according to Jejjala, in cases of mild, moderate and severe attack respectively.