one would take to utter a hundred syllables at most. The healing or Ropana Puta-pâka should be prepared by cooking the flesh of an animal of the Jángala group with breast-milk, honey*[1], clarified butter and the bitter drugs, and should be retained in the affected eye for a period three times as much as the Lekhana-Puta-páka should be retained i.e., for a period as long as one would require to utter three hundred syllables. 11-13.
The fumigating measures mentioned in connection with the Tarpana of an affected eye, as well as the applications of Sneha and Sveda, should be resorted to in the cases of the application of the Puta-paka measures, except in cases of the application of the Ropana Puta-páka. Puta-páka applications may be made on one day only or may be continued for two or three days†[2]. A strict regimen of diet and conduct should be observed for a period twice as long as the preparatory period (beginning with the time of administering the Sneha to the patient for preparing him for the application of the Puta-páka till the time of actually administering the Putapáka itself). 14-15.
Prohibition and Remedies for infringement: — After the application of Tarpana and Puta-páka (to the affected eye) the patient should not catch glimpses of the light, fire, sky, looking-glass or any other luminous object; nor he should expose the eye
- ↑ * In place of "(
language characters)" (honey and clarified butter) Dallana quotes a variant "(
language characters)" — lit. sacred clarified butter i.e. , clarified butter prepared from cow's milk.
- ↑ † Dallana explains that the application of the Puta-páka measure should be made for one day only in Kaphaja eye-diseases, or if the Puta-páka be a Lekhana one; and it should be continued for two days in Pittaja eye-diseases, or if it be a Snehana one; and for three days in Vátaja eye-diseases, or if it be a Ropana Puta-páka.