of cow-dung. When well cooked the ball should be taken out of the fire and broken and its contents with-drawn and squeezed. The fluid extract should then be collected and applied (to the affected organ) in the manner of applying a Tarpana. 19.
The mode of application:— The patient being laid on his back at the time, the fluid extract in both the cases (Tarpana and Puta-páka) should be dropped cold into the Kaniniká (Cornea) of the eye in cases of derangement of the blood and the Pitta; it should be used lukewarm when the Váyu and the Kapha would be found to have been aggravated. A burning sensation in the affected eye as well as its consequential inflammation would result from the use of too hot (warm) or strong or keen-potencied (Tikshna) extract for the purpose. A thrilling sensation (Harsha), pain and numbness in the locality and lachrymation from the affected organ originate from the use of a cold and mild-potencied Puta-páka or Tarpana eye-drop. Redness and contraction of the eye attended with a jerking and throbbing sensation therein are the effects of an excessive (over-dose) application of the Puta-páka and Tarpana, whereas a deficient (under-dose) 'use of them produces an aggravation of the deranged bodily Doshas in the locality. Properly applied, they alley the burning and itching sensation, swelling, pain, lachrymation and mucous secretion, as well as the (unnatural) coating and redness in the affected eye. As every one is desirous of avoiding the aggravation of Doshas, so the Puta-páka and Tarpana measures should be applied in such a way as would give health and happiness (to the eye). The evils resulted by a course of injudicious application of Puta-páka or Tarpana, are to be remedied with the application of errhines ( Nasya ), Dhuma and Anjana