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Page:Sushruta Samhita Vol 3.djvu/127

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Chap. XVIII.]

The application of an Anjana in an aggravated stage of the deranged bodily Doshas, ushers in the distressing symptoms peculiar to each of them. Hence, the application of an Anjana should be carefully made in such a manner as not to induce any of the aforesaid evils, and these rules should be specially observed in connection with a Lekhana-Anjana. These distressing symptoms should be treated with washes (lotions), Áśchyotana, plasters, Dhuma (fumigation), Nasya and Kavala (gurgle) with due regard to the specific nature of the deranged bodily Dosha or Doshas involved in each case. 35-36.

Symptoms of satisfactory, excessive and deficient use of a Lekhana-Anjana:—Lightness, whiteness and pristine clearness of the eye, marked by the improved power of vision and absence of secretion and all other distressing symptoms, are the indications which point to the fact that the eye has been satisfactorily purged of the accumulated Doshas (by the proper application of a Lekhana Anjana). An excessive purging of the eye (by the excessive use of a Lekhana Anjana) begets such local evils as the deep discolouration of the external coat of the eye, its sense of looseness in the socket, lachrymation, archedness of the organ and a sense of constant dryness in its cavity. The medical treatment in such instances consists in the employment of soothing (Santarpana) and other Váyu-subduing remedies. An insufficient or deficient application of the Lekhana Anjana leads to the aggravation of the local deranged bodily Dosha which should be fully secreted out by employing medicinal errhines, Anjana and local fumigation. 37-39.

Symptoms Of satisfactory, excessive and deficient use of Prasádana