Bhadrodaya-Anjana:—The drugs known as Kushtha, Chandana, Elá, Patra, Yashti-madhu, Rasánjana, flowers of Mesha-śringi, Chakra (Tagara), the seven kinds of jewels*[1], the pollens of the flowers of Utpala, Brihati, Kavtakári and of lotus, Nága-keśara, Uśira, Pippali, the shells of hen's eggs, Dáru-haridrá, Haritaki, Gorochoná, Maricha, marrow or kernel of Vibhitaka-seeds and the flesh of lizards (which are found to scale the walls of rooms), should be powdered together in equal parts and should be preserved in a vessel and purified (sanctified) in the preceding manner. This Anjana is called the Bhadrodaya-Anjana and should always be used by a king. 46.
Equal parts of Chakra (Tagara), Maricha, Jatá-mámsi and S'aileya with Manah-śilá equal to the combined weight of the preceding drugs, four parts of Patra with Rasánjana (antimony) twice the combined weight of all the preceding drugs and Yashti-madhu of equal †[2] weight with the last-named drug (Rasánjana) should be powdered together and used as an Anjana in the fore- going manner. 47.
Manah-śilá Deva-dáru, the two kinds of Rajani, Triphalá, Trikatu, Lákshá, Laśuna, Manjishthá, Saindhava, Elá, Mákshika, Sávaraka Rodhra, dead iron and copper, Kálánu-sárivá and the outer shells of hen's eggs taken in equal parts should be powdered together, resolved into a paste with milk and made into pills of adequate size. Diseases of the eye such as the itching sensation in the eye, Timira, Śuklárma and Raktaráji readily yield to the curative efficacy of this Anjana. 48.