Now we shall discourse on the chapter which treats of the causes and symptoms of the diseases peculiar to the ear — the organ of hearing (Karna-gata-Roga-Vijnániya). 1.
Classification:— Twenty-eight different forms of ear-diseases are noticed in practice, viz., Karna-Śula (ear-ache), Pra-náda (ringing or noise in the ear), Vádhirya (deafness), Kshveda, Karna-Sráva (discharge of pus, etc., from the ear), Karna-Kandu (itching in the ear), Karna-gutha, Krimi-karna (vermin-infested ears), Prati-náha, the two kinds of Vidradhi (local abscess), Karna-páka (suppuration of ear), Puti-karna (fetor in the ear), four kinds of Arśas (Cysts or polypuses in the ear), seven kinds of Arvuda (tumour) and four kinds of Śopha (swelling). 2 .
Symptoms of Karna-Śula and Pranáda: — The violent aching pain in the region of the ear and inside the tympanum caused by the deranged local Váyu, aggravated and obstructed by the other deranged Doshas in the locality is called the Karna-Śula (ear-ache). Ringing and various other sounds in the ear are heard when the deranged V^yu of the locality gets into the wrong way and remains there stuffed in the sound-carrying channels of the organ. This disease is called the Pra-náda. 3-4.
Symptoms of Vádhirya and Kshveda: — Vádhirya (deafness) results from the continuance in the sound-carrying channels of the deranged local Váyu in combination with the deranged local Kapha in those localites without anyway being remedied or subdued. An attack of Karna-kshveda (expresing a