Page:Sushruta Samhita Vol 3.djvu/152

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[Chap. XXIII.

as a case of sinus (Nádi) *[1] for all practical purposes, and Avapida-nasya as well as inhalations of smoke (Dhuma) of keen-potencied drugs and Nasya (snuff or errhines) of drugs of correcting or purifying virtues should be used after the satisfactory exhibition of emetics. 4-5.

Treatment of Kshavatu and Bhram-Śathu: — Powders of head-purgaing drugs in the form of snuff should be administered into the nostrils through a pipe in cases of Kshavathu and Bhram-sathu. The head should be duly fomented with Váyu-subduing drugs and inhalation of Sneha-Dhuma †[2] as well as similar other medicinal measures remedial to the deranged bodily Váyu should be resorted to. All the Pitta-subduing measures should be employed in a case of Dipta, and all cooling remedies and the drugs of sweet taste should also be prescribed. 6-7.

Treatment of Násá-náha, etc.:— The internal use of Sneha (Sneha-pána) forms the principal remedy in a case of Násá-náha, in which fumigations with lardacious drugs as well as head-purgings may be likewise employed. The use of Balà-Taila or any other Váyu-subduing remedy mentioned in the chapter on the treatment of Váta-vyádhi (Ch. V. Chikitsita Sthána) may be similarly used with beneficial results. Powdered snuff should be introduced into the nostrils through a pipe or tube, and strong and keen Avapida-Nasya should be used in cases of Násá-Sráva. Strong fumes of (burnt) Deva-dáru and Chitraka should be applied to the affected part. Goat's flesh is also found beneficial in such cases. 8-9.

  1. • See ch. XIV of the Chikitsita-Sthána.
  2. † See ch. XVII of the Chikitsita-Sthána.