Page:Sushruta Samhita Vol 3.djvu/157

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Chap. XXIV.]

Regimen of diet and conduct:— In a case of Pratiśyáya the patient should sit, lie, or move about in closed and windless rooms and wear warm and thick turban on his head. He should take Vijayâ(Haritaki) and partake of meals consisting of Palánna*[1] cooked without clarified butter. He should also be subjected to a course of strong head-purging as well as of smoke-inhalations. Use of new wine and cold drink, cold baths, sexual intercourse, anxious cares, lamentations, voluntary retention of stools and urine, as well as partaking of fares which are excessively dry (and beget dryness in the system), should be foregone by a person suffering from an attack of Pinasa. 15-16.

Fastings and employment of digestive (Páchana) and appetising (Dipaniya) remedies should be the medical treatment in cases of Pinasa (nasal catarrh) accompanied by such distressing symptoms as vomiting, aching, heaviness in the limbs, feverishness, non-relish for food, apathy, and Atisára (diarrhœa). In case of an adult person suffering from an attack of Pinasa due to the concerted action of Váyu and Kapha, the patient should be made to vomit by taking in a large quantity of any liquid substance. The -complications (Upadrava) involved therein should be remedied by appropriate diet and remedial agents and after their subsidence, the patient should be treated according to the instructions given before. 17-18.

Treatment of Vátaja Type:— In cases of Vátaja-Pratiśyáya clarified butter duly cooked with the drugs of the Vidári-gandhádi group or with the five officinal salts should be prescribed for internal

  1. * Palánna is generally prepared by cooking together rice, meat and clarified butter as well as other spices, but in this case clarified butter should not be used.