Page:Sushruta Samhita Vol 3.djvu/161

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Now we shall discourse on the chapter which deals with the symptoms of diseases peculiar to the region of the head (Śiro-roga-Vijnániya). 1.

Classification: — Diseases which are peculiar to the region of the head number eleven in all, vis., the four kinds respectively due to the action of the deranged Váyu, Pitta, Kapha, and their combination, as well as those which are respectively incidental to any bodily waste (Kshayaja), or to the vitiated condition of the blood (Raktaja), or to the existence of parasites (Krimija), the remaining four being known as Surydvarta, Anantaváta, Ardhávabhedaka and Śamkhaka. The symptoms of these eleven kinds of head-diseases are given below. 2.

Symptoms of Dosha-origined types:—— A fit of violent headache without any apparent cause and which becomes worse in the night and is relieved by pressure or by being bandaged or by an application of fomentation round the head, should be ascribed to the action of the deranged Váyu, and is known as the Vátaja-Śiroroga. A violent burning and aching pain in the head, in which the scalp seems to have been strewn over with bits of live charcoal, accompanied by a sense of scorching vapour being emitted from the nostrils, and which ameliorates in the night or on the application of cold, should be ascribed to the action of the deranged Pitta, and is known as the Pittaja-Śiroroga. A fit of headache in which the head (palate) and the throat*[1] seem to be covered with a coat of sticky

  1. * In place of " " sonxe read " " This reading is adopted by Mádhava. There seems to be no difference in the meaning the word " " (head) may include both the palate and the throat.