Page:Sushruta Samhita Vol 3.djvu/166

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[ Chap. XXVI.

Clarified butter skimmed from milk, and fresh Vasá (lard)*[1] of Jángala animals should be used as errhines, and, cooked with the drugs of the Utpaládi group, should be used in the manner of Ásthápana-vasti. Food should be taken with meat-soup of Jángala animals, and clarified butter should be used in the manner of an Anuvásana Vasti. Clarified butter skimmed from milk and du'y cooked with the drugs of the Madhuragroup and mixed with sugar should be used for emulsive purposes (Snehana), and all measures and remedies which are remedial to the deranged blood and Pitta may be likewise employed with profit in these cases, 6-7.

Treatment of Kaphaja Śiro-roga:—In a case of Kaphaja-Śiroroga, the Kapha-subduing measures, such as strong emetics, head-purgatives (Śiro-vireka) and gargling should be resorted to. The transparent upper part of clarified butter †[2] should be given to drink, and fomentation should then be frequently applied to the head. Head-purgatives should then be administered with the pith of Madhuka wood, or with Mesha-śringi and Ingudi bark. Vartis (sticks) made of Mesha-śringi and Ingudi barks should be used in smoking. Snuffs of powdered Katphala should be taken, and gargles with Kapha-subduing drugs should be used. Plasters prepared with Saralá, Kushtha, Śárngashtá, Deva-dáru, and Rohisha pasted together with the alkaline water and mixed with Saindhava salt should be applied lukewarm to the head. The diet should consist of cooked barley or Shashtika rice, which should

  1. * In place of ' ' (lard) some read ' ' which means meat-soup,
  2. † According to a variant matured clarified butter should be used in this case.