Page:Sushruta Samhita Vol 3.djvu/169

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Chap. XXVI.

Treatment of Ananta-Váta:— Cases of Ananta-váta Śiroroga should be treated like those of Suryavarta. Moreover blood-letting should be effected (by opening a local vein) and the diet should be such as to subdue the Váyu and the Pitta and should cossist of Madhu-Mastaka, Sangyáva and Ghrita-pura (different kinds of confectionery made of wheat, sugar, milk, clarified butter, etc.). 15.

Treatment of Śamkhaka:— Clarified butter churned from milk should be given for a drink and used as an errhine in a case of Śamkhaka and the diet should consist of (boiled rice mixed with) clarified butter and the essence of the meat of jángala animals. Plasters composed of Śatávari, black sesamum, Yashti-madhu, Nilotpala, Durvá and Punainavá pasted together, or of Mahá-sugandhá (Utpla-asárivá) or Pálindi pasted with Kánjika should be applied to the affected locality. Cooling washes and plasters as well as different Avapida Nasyas prescribed in cases of Suryávarta should also be prescribed for this disease (Śamkhaka). 16.

Strong head-purgatives (errhines) composed of oil and honey should be first administered in cases of Śiroroga with the exception of the Krimija and the Kshayaja types. Then the patient should be made to snuff in drops of mustard oil. In cases where the preceding remedies would fail to produce any relief, the patient should be treated with Sneha and Sveda, and bleeding should then be effected by opening a local vein. 17-18.

The Conclusion: — The causes, symptoms and the therapeutics of the seventy-six kinds of ocular affection, of the twenty-eight kinds of the disease of the ear, of the thirty-one kinds of nasal disease, of the eleven kinds of the disease of the head as well as