Page:Sushruta Samhita Vol 3.djvu/211

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Chap. XXXIX.]

aversion to food, pain at the cardiac region and a speedy emaciation of the body. Delirium marks a case of fever due to grief or terror and shivering characterises one due to a fit of anger. Thirst and fainting fits are the concomitants of a case of fever due to any curse, or ushured in through the dynamics of deadly incantations. Anxiety, laughter, shivering and weeping mark a case due to the malignant influence of evil genii. 33—34.

The bodily Váyu deranged and aggravated by fatigue, physical waste or by a blow spreads through the entire organism and begets (traumatic) fever. There is another kind of fever which is due to any extraneous cause or which results from the acute stage of any other disease attendant on the body. It exhibits all the symptoms characteristic of each of the deranged bodily Doshas involved therein *[1] 35 — 36.

Gambhira fever and its prognosis:— A case of Gambhira fever is characterised by a feeling of internal burning sensation in the body (which is not complained of in the surface), thirst, suppression of the stool, laboured or painful breathing and cough. Paleness of the complexion, dulness of the sense-organs, emaciation of the body, depression of the mind †[2] and presence of supervening symptoms (e. g. hard breathing, cough, etc.) in cases of both Gambhira (inward or latent) and

  1. * "Abhichár" means incantations or Atharvan rites by which disease, death and any other injuries are brought about. "Abhiśápa" means the curse pronounced by Bráhmins, preceptors, seniors and alters possesed of puissance.
  2. † Dallana says in his commentary that some read a few additional lines after this. He, however, does not comment on those lines and further adds that Jejjata does not read them. So we, too, refrain from translating those lines.