Page:Sushruta Samhita Vol 3.djvu/284

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[Chap. XLII,

characterised by Śula, burning sensation, inflamation and piercing pain. 29.

Diet and Sveda:—Drinks composed of the meat-essence of an animal of the Jángala group, profusely salted with Saindhava and mixed with clarified butter and Tri-katu and taken lukewarm are good for Gulma-patients Peyás prepared with the Váyu-subduing drugs and the soup of Kulattha-pulse cooked with a Sneha as well as the Khada-yusha prepared with Pancha-mula also are likewise efficacious as Diet. Draughts of milk with Árdraka should be prescribed in a case of Gulma attended with the suppression of stool and flatus. Fomentation (Sveda) after the manner of Kumbhika, Pinda and Ishtaka (see Chapter XXXII) Chikitsita Sthána) are also efficacious. 30 — 32.

Purgatives preceded by the application of fomentation should be exhibited to a Gulma-patient, since it is extremely difficult to purge him. Vilepana (massage of the Gulma), application of unguents and poultices, Samdahana (cauterisation) as well as tepid fomentation after the manner of Śálvana-Sveda and the like are likewise applicable. Medicated Ghritas, powders and Vartis mentioned in connection with the treatment of Udara as well as medicated salts mentioned under the head Udarámaya*[1] are likewise applicable in the present disease. 33-34.

Medicated Plugs or Vartis made of Sámudra[2],

  1. * Udarámaya may mean either indigestion or ascites. Anilámaya (Váta-vyádhi) is a variant addopted by Dallana and is undoubtedly preferable since there are several medicated salts e. g., Patra-Lavana, Kánda-Lavana, in the treatment of Váta-Vyádhi. See Chap. IV, Chikitsita Sthána.
  2. † According to some 'Sámudra' means Sámudra-salt and others, it means Samudra-Phena.