Page:Sushruta Samhita Vol 3.djvu/289

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Chap. XLII ]

soup of Kuluttha with an adequate quantity of the acid articles (e. g. pomegranate, etc.) and cooked with the soup of Láva bird salted with Saindhava and seasoned with pepper, exercise a curative efficacy in a case of the Váyu-origined type. The compound of Vidánga, Śigru, Kampilla, Pathyá, Śyáma, Amla-Vetasa, Surasá, Aśva-karna and Sauvarchala should be taken with wine in an attack of the Vayu-origined type of Śula. 51 — 52.

A pulverised compound consisting of Prithviká, Ajáji, Chaviká, Yaváni, Vyosha, Chitraka, Pippali, Pippala-mula and Saindhava pounded together should be taken with milk or Kámbalika or Madhvásava (wine of honey) or Chukra or Surá (wine) or with Sauviraka (fermented rice-boilings) as alternatives. The above pulverised compound should be soaked in the expressed juice of Mátulunga and with the decoction of Badara several times after the manner of Bhávaná saturation, and the compound should be taken with a profuse quantity of Hingu, and with sugar. A Varti made of the same powders and pulverised (pith of) Dádima wood mixed together should be licked with treacle or honey or taken with wine in cases of Vátaja Śula as giving an instantaneous relief. 53.

In a case of Śula due to hunger, light and sparing diet should be given with lukewarm milk, Yavágu or meat-soup charged with clarified butter. Emulsive diet should be given in a case of Vátaja Śula to a patient of dry or parched organism, use of well seasoned Ghritapuras being specially recommended. The patient should also take Váruni wine wherefrom he will get relief. 54—55.

Treatment of Pittaja Śula:— The treatment of Vátaja Śula has been described above. Now I shall narrate the therapeutic agents and remedies in