Page:Sushruta Samhita Vol 3.djvu/321

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Chap. XLVII.]

of wine is prohibited immediately after a fatiguing journey, physical exercise or an act of load-carrying, or after the repressing of any physical urging, or after the use of excessively acid food, (D. R. excessive water and food) to the full, or before the proper digestion of food or by a weak person, or by one suffering from the effects of heat. In the above cases, wine undoubtedly proves a source of a host of bodily derangements such as Pánátyaya, Paramada, Pánájirna and the violent Pánavibhrama the characterstic symptoms of which I shall presently describe. 10.

Specific symptoms of Pánátyaya: —The Vatája type of Pánátyaya is marked by such symptoms as numbness and aching pain in the limbs, palpitation, a catching and pricking pain in the region of the heart and headache. Perspiration, delirium, dryness of the mouth, burning sensation and fainting fits (loss of consciousness) [and yellowness of the face and eyes are the features which distinguish the Pittajatype (of Pánátyaya). Vomiting, shivering and water-brash are the indications which mark the Kaphaja type. The symptoms of all the three preceeding types being exhibited in the one due to the concerted action of the three deranged bodily Doshas — Tri-Doshaja type of Pánátyaya. 11.

Symptoms of Para-mada:— Heat and a sense of heaviness in the body, bad taste in the mouth, excessive accumulation of Śleshmá in the body, an aversion to food, supression of stool and urine, thirst, headache and a crushing pain in the joints are the symptoms which the learned physicion sets down to Para-mada (reactionary effects of the abuse of wine). 12.

Pánájirna and Pána-Vibhrama:— Distension of the abdomen (tympanites), acid or sour