Page:Sushruta Samhita Vol 3.djvu/324

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[Chap. XLVII

in all forms of Pánátyaya after the mixture is strained through a piece of cloth. The body of the patient should be anointed with a paste of Haridrá, Padma, Paripelava, Karavira, Padmaka, drugs of the Sárivádi group and acquatic flower pasted togather, and clear and cold water should be sprinkled over the body of the patient in a case of Madátyaya. 20 -21.

Pánaks: — A Pának prepared with Tvak, Patra, Chocha, Markka, Elá, Nága-pushpa and flowers of Śleshmátaka ground together into a paste and mixed with treacle and Drákshá, should be filtered and perfumed and given to a person suffering from an attack of Pánátyaya. The patient would find relief by the frequent use of a Pánaka (draughts) composed of Yashti-madhu, Katurohini, Drákshá and Trapusha-roots, or of Kárpása-roots, Nága-valá and Suvarchalá (Surjávarta) all taken in equal parts. 22 — 23.

Treatment of Para- mada:— A Pánaka ( cordial ) made of the fruits of Káshmarya, Dáru, Dádima, Vit, Pippali, Drákshá pasted together and disolved in water and taken in combination with the expressed juice of Vijapuraka, instantly gives relief in discomforts due to an abuse of wine (Para-mada). Pánakas made of sugar, Drákshá, Madhuka, Jiraka, Dhánya, Krishná (Pippali) and Trivrit,or of Souvarchala, the meat-soup (Rasa) of any fatty Jâugala animal and Phalámla should be taken. Cold infusion of Bhárgi would be found beneficial in sprinkling. 24 — 25.

Treatment of Pánájirna:— Vomiting should be induced with an Anjali measure of milk duly cooked with the admixture of Ikshváku, Dhámárgava, Brikshaka and two kinds of Udumvariká after which the patient should be advised to take wine in the evening in a case of indigestion due to an abuse