Page:Sushruta Samhita Vol 3.djvu/327

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Chap. XLVII.]

applied as an Abhyanga. The body should be sprinkled (Seka) with the cold decoction*[1]. Palatable foods and cold, pleasing and scented cordials should be prescribed according to the nature and intensity of the deranged bodily Doshas underlying the disease. 34 -35.

The heat generated by drinking being aggravated by bodily Pitta and blood of an intoxicated person, escapes through the surface of the skin and causes a feeling of intense burning (Dáha) which should be remedied with measures and therapeutic agents prescribed in connection with the aggravation of Pitta. 36.

Remedies for Dáha:— Now I shall describe the cooling measures which should be employed for alleviating the burning sensation (Dáha) in the case of a rich patient. The body of such a patient under the circumstances should be smeared at the outest with Chandana (white sandal wood) pastes made cooler by the contact of cold beams of the moon, pearl-necklaces and the water produced from melted ice. He should be laid down in a bed of full-blown lotus flowers sparkling with dew drops or of lotus-leaves sprinkled with spray of translucent water, and youthful damsels decked with necklace and bangles of lotus-stems cooler even than cold water, should be asked to touch him. He should try to alleviate the burning feeling by strolling on the banks of a tank in a garden in the soft, cool and sweet breeze bearing on its wings the soft perfume of Kalhára (red) lotus and water-moss dancing in the adjoining tank. Water cooled and charged with Uśira, Válaka and (white) sandal paste should be sprinkled over his body, or he should be made to sport in a cleansed tank filled with freshly collected water em-

  1. * Decoction of the drugs of Madhura-gana and of the drugs of cold virtues.