Page:Sushruta Samhita Vol 3.djvu/341

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Chap. XLIX.]

blood, and resembles the variegated colour of a peacock's plume and where vomiting is almost constant. II.

General Treatment:— In a case of vomiting marked by an excessive preponderance of any Dosha (or by the presence of all the three Doshas), emetics or purgatives should be administered with a due regard to the nature and intensity of the Dosha or Doshas involved. In cases due to the concerted action of any two of the deranged bodily Doshas the medical treatment should be determined according to their relative order of preponderance. Diet in these cases should consist of dry and light articles and what the patient is accustomed to. Febrifuge decoctions should be administered according to the nature and intensity of the deranged bodily Doshas involved in each case. 12.

Treatment of Vátaja Type:— Draught of clarified butter churned from milk, *[1] or the soup of Mudga and Ámalaka taken with clarified butter and Saindhava-salt, or gruels (Yavágu ) prepared with the drugs of Pancha-mula and taken with honey, would prove curative in the Vátaja type of vomiting. The use of the essence of any bird of the Vishkira group (e.g. chicken, etc.) taken with a little quantity of salt and juice of acid-fruits would likewise prove efficacious. Lukewarm oily purgtives mixed with salt are also recommended in such cases 13.

Pittaja Type: — Cold drinks and decoctions of Pitta-subduing virtue would relieve vomiting due to the derangement of Pitta. Emetics or purgatives composed of the drugs of the Madhura-drugs and mixed

  1. * " " has been explained by some commentators as milk mixed with clarified butter. Chakradatta reads " " milk and water in place of " "