Page:Sushruta Samhita Vol 3.djvu/347

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Chap. L.]

would also give instataneous relief in a paraxysm of hiccough. 13.

Lukewarm gruels (Yavágu) saturated with clarified butter as well as lukewarm Páyasa prove curative in a case of hiccough. The milk of a she-goat duly cooked with Śunthi and water *[1] (in the manner of Kshira-páka) and mixed with sugar could be as well taken with benefit. The urine of a she-goat and of a ewe taken to satiety would readily cure a fit of hiccough. Similarly the smell of puti-keeta[2] duly soaked in the infusion of radish, Vachá and Hingu[3] after the manner of Bhávaná saturation would have the same result. 14.

Nága-keśara mixed with sugar and honey should be taken with a copious quantity of) the expressed juice of sugar-cane and of Madhuka flowers. A Pala weight of Saindhava salt should be used with two-Pala weight of clarified butter. Haritaki should be first taken and then a draught of tepid water. Clarified butter should be taken with milk and honey. A Pichu (two Tolás) weight of the expressed juice of Kapittha should be taken with honey and powdered Pippali for the relief (of hiccough). A lambative prepared with Pippali, Ámalaka, Śunthi, sugar and honey, or one prepared with Anjana (Souviránjana), powdered fried paddy, and the kernel (of the stone of) Vadara-fruit should be licked as a remedy for an attack of Hiccá. 15.

The four different liquid compounds §[4] prepared

  1. * Some render " " as the decoction of S'unthi.
  2. † Puti-keeta is a kind of bad-smelling worm appearing generally during the rainy season.
  3. ‡ Some read " " (Hingu and lotus) in place of " " In both cases, however, " " means simply 'mixed'.
  4. § According to Vrinda and Chakrapáni lambatives should be prepared with these drugs. According to some, the decoction should be Used.