Page:Sushruta Samhita Vol 3.djvu/379

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Chap. LV.]

should be advised to have sexual intercourse with lovely women, 27.

Fatty (Snigdha) things should be taken lukewarm and in small quantities in a case of Udávarta due to ungratified hunger. Cold Manthas or Yavágus should be given to the patient in a case of Udávarta due to the suppression of thirst. Food with meat-soup should be given to the patient after sufficient rest in a case of Udávarta originated from the suppression of breath in a tired state of the body. Milk* [1]should be given in a case of Udávarta due to the suppression of sleep and the patient should be made to sleep with the help of sweet discourses. 28.

Cases of Ádhmána (distension of the abodomen), etc., which are the supervening symptoms of Udávarta) should be remedied with appropriate medicines and other measures with an eye to the nature and intensity of the deranged Dosha or Doshas involved in each case underlying at the root. 29.

Udávarta due to errors in diet:— The abdominal (Koshthaja) Váyu deranged and aggravated by such factors as eating dry, astringent, pungent or bitter articles of fare (in inordinate quantities) causes an immediate attack of Udávarta in which the Váyu (follows an upward course and) obstructs its own channels as well as those of feces, urine, Kapha, fat and blood. It dries up the fecal matter (in the body) causing pain in the heart and bladder, a sense of heaviness in the limbs (D. R — nausea), aversion to food (D. R. unwillingness to do anything) and difficult and scanty emission of stool, urine and flatus. Laboured breathing, cough,

  1. * S'ivadása advises the use of buffalo's milk in this case as being more efficacious in bringing on sleep. But Dallana refutes this and recommends the use of cow's milk.