Page:Sushruta Samhita Vol 3.djvu/391

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Now we shall discourse on the chapter which deals with the (symptoms and) medical treatment of the suppression of urine (Mutrá-gháta Pratishedha). 1.

The disease is of twelve*[1] kinds, viz., Váta-kundaliká, Ashthilá, Váta-vasti Mutrátita, (Mutra-) Jathara, Mutrotsanga, (Mutra-)Kshaya, Mutra-granthi, Mutraśukra, Ushna-váta and the two forms of (yiz. Kaphaja and Pittaja) Mutraukasáda. 2.

Symptoms of Váta-kundaliká:— The bodily Váyu deranged and aggravated through an extremely parched condition or through the voluntary repression of an urging towards micturition affects and retains the urine in the bladder, causing it to revolve in eddies within the cavity of that organ. It allows the urine to pass in small quantity or (even) to dribble out in drops with pain. This disease is known as Váta-kundaliká and is of a violent type. 3.

VátáShthilá: — The deranged and aggravated bodily Váyu incarcerated or lodged in the region lying between the bladder and the anus gives rise to a thick lumpy tumour like a pebble (Ashthilá), which is hard and non-shifting in its character, producing suppression of stool, urine and flatus, distension of the abdomen and pain in the bladder. It is known as Vátáshthiá. 4.

Váta-vasti:— The bodily Váyu in the locality, aggravated by a voluntary repression of a propulsion to urination enters into the bladder of the ignorant

  1. * Mádhava reads thirteen different kinds of this disease. He reads only one kind of Mutra-sáda and adds Vid-vigháta and Vasti-kundala.