Page:Sushruta Samhita Vol 3.djvu/409

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Chap. LX.]

Śirisha-seed, Laśuna, Śunthi, Siddhárthaka, Vacha, Manjishthá, Rajani and Krishná should be pasted together with goat's urine and dried in the shade. Vartis (sticks) prepared with this should be applied with the bile (of a cow) along the eye-lids as an Anjana. Vartis prepared with Naktamála-fruit, Tri-katu, roots of Śyonáka and of Vilva as well as the two kinds of Haridrá should be used as an Anjana in a similar way. Saindhava, Katuka, Hingu, Vayasthá (Guduchi) and Vachá pasted together with goat's urine and with the bile of a fish, should be similarly used as an Anjana in cases of attacks by the Grahas which would not otherwise yield. 26-28.

Matured clarified butter, Laśuna, Hingu, Siddhârthaka, Vacha, Golomi, Ajalomi, Bhutakeśi' (jatámámsi), Jatá (Gandha-mámsi), Kukkuti (a kind of bulb), Sarpagandhá, Kána, (Kshira-kákoli), Vishániká (Madhuriká), Rishya-prokta, Vayasthá, Śringi, Mohana-Valli, (Vata-patriká), Arka-roots, Tri-katu, Latá (Priyangu), Anjana (Rasánjana) Srotonjana, Naipáli, Haritála and other articles which have the efficacy of exorcising evil spirits, as well as the dungs, hairs, skin, Vasá, urine, blood, bile nails, etc. of lions, tigers, bears, cats, elephants, horses cows, dogs, Śalyakas, lizards, camels, mongooses, etc., should be used in the preparation of oil and clarified butter which should be used internally as well as in snuffing and as unguents. Pills made of the above drugs should be used in sprinkling (wash) and their powdered compound in dusting (the body of the patient). A paste prepared with the above drugs should be used as plasters. The due and proper application of the oil, Ghrita, etc. thus prepared would, in a very short time, surely cures all sorts of mental disorders. 29.

Unholy and improper articles should not be em-