Page:Sushruta Samhita Vol 3.djvu/423

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Chap. LXIII.]

(sweet) Rasa. (l) Acid and saline, (2) Acid and pungent (3) Acid and bitter, and (4) Acid and astringent —these are the four combinations of Amla (acid) Rasa. (1) Saline and pungent, (2) Saline and bitter, and (3) Saline and astringent — these are the three combinations of Lavana (saline) Rasa, (1) Pungent and bitter, and (2) Pungent and astringent — these are the two combinations of Katuka (pungent) Rasa. Bitter and pungent is the only combination of Tikta (bitter) Rasa. Thus the fifteen different combinations (of the six Rases) taken two at a time have been enumerated. Now we shall speak of their combinations taken three at a time. 4.

Taken three at a time:— The Madhura Rasa (sweet taste) coming first in the list has got ten combinations (with the other Rasas taken three at a time). Similarly Amla Rasa (acid taste) has got six; Lavana Rasa (saline taste) has got half that number i.e. three; and Katuka Rasa (pungent taste) has got only one combination. They are as follows :—(1) Sweet, acid and saline, (2) Sweet, acid and pungent, (3) Sweet, acid and bitter, (4) Sweet, acid and astringent, (5) Sweet, saline and pungent, (6) Sweet, saline and bitter, (7) Sweet, saline and astringent, (8) Sweet, pungent and bitter, (9) Sweet, pungent and astringent, and (10) Sweet, bitter and astringent — these are the ten combinations of the Rasas taken three at a time and beginning with Madhura (sweet) Rasa, (1) Acid, saline and pungent, (2) Acid, saline and bitter, (3) Acid, saline and astringent, (4) Acid, pungent and bitter, (5) Acid, pungent and astringent, and (6) Acid, bitter and astringent— these are the six combinations (taken three at a time and) beginning with Amla (acid) taste, (1) Saline, pungent and bitter, (2) Saline, pungent and astringent, and (3) Saline, bitter, and