Page:Sushruta Samhita Vol 3.djvu/427

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Chap. LXIV.]

correcting or remedying the altered slimy condition of (things which obtain inside) the body, as well as for mitigating the aggravation of the bodily Doshas. The food should be non-liquid and made neither too emollient (fatty or lardacious) nor too Ruksha (dry), and should be composed of articles which are appetising and heat-making in their potency. Water for drinking should be prescribed according to the rules laid down before (in chapter XLV, Sutra-sthána), or water, heated and subsequently cooled, should be taken in combination with honey, if the sky is overcast with clouds and the air is charged with humid vapours, making the water consequently very cold. 4- 5.

The herbs and vegetables being newly grown in this (rainy) season, are (over-juicy and) consequently not very easy to digest; a wise man should, therefore, avoid the excessive use of physical exercise, water, dew, sexual intercourse and the sun's rays (which might lead to indigestion). One should, in this season, lie upon some higher place to avoid the cold damp due to the emission of earthly vapours at this time. When feeling cold one should protect oneself from it with warm clothes and should lie inside a room free from blasts of wind and with fire burning within. Fine Aguru should be used as pastes, and elephants should be used as conveyance in this season. Sleep at day-time and eating before the previous meal is digested should be strictly avoided. 6.

Rules for Autumn:— Articles of astringent, sweet and bitter tastes, different preparations of milk and of sugar-cane-juice as well as honey, Śáli-rice, Mudga-pulse, oil and the meat of Jángala animals should be used in the Autumn (Śarat) season. All kinds of water are recommended in this season as they are all clear and pure at this time of the year. Swimming