Page:Sushruta Samhita Vol 3.djvu/430

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[Chap. LXIV.

and consequently of the organism) and gives rise to many diseases. Acid, sweet, demulcent and saline articles of food and drink as well as those that are heavy (of digestion) should, therefore, be avoided, and recourse should be had to vomiting, etc. Shashtika- rice, barley, articles of cold potency, Mudga-pulse, Nivára rice, and Kodrava-rice should be duly prescribed after the cold i. e. in the spring with the soup of the meat of the animals of the Vishkira class, such as Láva, etc., as well as with the soup of Patola, Nimba-leaves, bringals and other bitter vegetables. All sorts of Ásava and especially the Ásava and Sidhu prepared from honey should be freely used in the spring. Physical exercise should be had recourse to, Anjana (collyrium) should be applied (to the eyes), strong smokes should be inhaled and strong gargles used in the spring. Everything should be used with tepid water and a diet consisting of Tikshna (strong-potencied), Ruksha (non-demulcent), pungent, alkaline, astringent, tepid and non-liquid articles and especially the preparations of barley, Mudga pulse and honey would be beneficial in the spring. Physical exercise in the shape of mock-fight, walk, or the throwing of stones would be beneficial. Utsádana (massage) and bath should be had, and groves should be resorted to. Sexual pleasure may be enjoyed in this season. The bodily Kapha stored in the body during the Hemanta season should be eliminated by means of Śiro-Vireka (errhines), vomiting, Niruha-vasti and gargles, etc. Day-sleep and sweet, demulcent and liquid articles of fare as well as those hard to digest should be strictly avoided. 10.

Rules for Summer:— Physical exercise, toil, hot and excessively drying articles of fare (e.g. those prepared with pulses), as well as those abounding in