Page:Sushruta Samhita Vol 3.djvu/70

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[Chap. X.

as well as that of Katphala and Ambu(Vâlâ) should be similarly [1] prepared and applied. 6.

All the above remedial measures with the exception of blood-letting should be resorted to in a case of Amlá-dhyushita-Drishti and Śukti-pâka. The medicated Ghritas known as the Traiphala Ghrita or the Tilvaka Ghrita [2] should be prescribed, or simply old and matured clarified butter should be given in such cases. 7.

In a case of Śukti-páka an Anjana with cooling drugs should be speedily employed in the event of the Doshas being located in the lower part of the eye. Fine powder of Vaidurya gem, Sphatika (crystal),Vidrum (coraX) and Muktá (pearl), Samkha (conch-shell), silver and gold mixed with sugar and honey and used as an anjana would prove a speedy remedy in a case of Śukti-pâka. 8.

Clarified butter should be administered in a case of Dhuma-darśin and the procedure and the remedial measures laid down in connection with Rakta-pitta and Pitta-origined Visarpa (Erysipelas) as well as the Pitta-sub-duing remedies [3] should be likewise employed there- in. 9.

Thus ends the tenth chapter in the Uttra-Tantra of the Sus'ruta Samhitá which deals with of the curative treatment of Pittábhishyanda.

  1. In the first two compounds, some take 'Toya' and 'Ambu' for water. But Dallana having explained 'Toya' as 'Valaka' in a preceding compound we adopt that meaning of the word here also.
  2. Traiphala-Ghrita is prepared by duly cooking clarified butter with the Kalka and decoction of Triphala. For Tilvaka-Ghritalsee chapter III. Chikistsita-Sthana.
  3. By Pitta-subduing remedies Dallana means the remedial measures laid down in connection with the treatment of Pitta-Vidagdha- Drishti.