application as an Anjana of S'amkha (ccnch-shell), Manah-śilâ, Tuttha, Dáru-haridrá, and Saindhava pasted with honey, or of (white) Maricha pasted with the juice of S'irisha flowers, honey and wine, or of Svarna-Garika pasted with honey would be attended with beneficial results in cases of Sirotpáta. 11.
Śirá- harsha: — A compound consisting of phânita(treacle boiled down to a sticky consistency) and honey should be applied to the affected organ as an Anjana in a case of Sirá-harsha. Similar applications of compounds composed of Rasánjana (Antimony) pasted with honey, or of Saindhava and Káśiśa (Sulphate of iron) pasted with honey, or of Vetrámla*[1] and Saindhava pasted with Phánita and breast-milk would likewise prove highly efficacious. 12.
Treatment Of Arjuna:— All the measures and remedies for Pittábhishyanda should be employed in cases of Arjuna eye-disease. The expressed juice of sugar-cane, honey, sugar, breast-milk, Dáru-haridra, Yashti-madhu and Saindhava should be used in combination as a wash (Seka), or as an Anjana. Amla(Kánjika, &c.) should also be used as an Áśchyotana (eye-drop) in such cases. The following drugs, viz., sugar, Yashti-madhu, Katvanga, Mastu, Amla, honey, Saindhava, Vija-puraka, Kola and Dádimba of acid taste and other acid fruits either singly or in combination of two or three should be judiciously used (as an Áśchyotana with a due consideration of the vitiated Dosha in each case). 13-14.
These two following compounds viz., of Sphatika
- ↑ * Dallana explains "Vetrámla" as "Anla vetasa". Some, however, divide it into two words viz., "Vetra" and "Amla" meaning thereby sprouts of Vetra (cane) and Amla-vetasa respectively.