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Page:Sushruta Samhita Vol 3.djvu/82

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[ Chap. XII.

Treatment of Praklinna-vartma:— The deranged Doshas of the system should be duly* removed (corrected) and the patient should be duly soothed in a case- of Praklinna-vartma, after which washes, eye-salves, eye-drops (As'chyotana), snuffs (Nasya) and fumigation (Dhuma) should be resorted to according to the Dosha involved in each case. A compound composed of Musta, Haridrd, Yasliti-madhu, Priyangu, Siddhártha, Rodhra, Utpala-sárivá † pasted together ‡ should be employed in the manner of an As'chyotana measure. As an alternative, the compound consisting of Rásánjana and honey should be used as an Anjana. 31-32.

The decoction of the leaves and fruits of Ámalaka should be duly prepared (in the manner of Rasa-kriyá) and used as an Anjana. Rasa-kriyá preparations prepared with (the expressed juice of) the roots of bamboo, or Vartis' prepared with the same by (condensing it by) cooking it (again) in a copper vessel, should be used for the above purpose, Rasa-kriyá preparations prepared with Triphalá, flowers of Palása, or Khara-manjari, should be similarly applied to the affected organ. Eyesalves made of powdered Káms'ya-mala and cotton fibres (Tantu) burnt together and pasted with the milk of a she-goat and mixed with (white) Maricha and powdered copper should be used as a Pratyanjana to the eye (already weakened by the use of Anjana.) 33-34

  • Dallana says that the deranged Doshas of the system should be cleansed with the application of Sneha, Venesection, pursative, errhines and A'sthapana.

† In place of (Symbol missingIndic characters) some read (Symbol missingIndic characters) in this case 'Syâma-latâ' by the term 'Asita-sariva'. Others again mean 'Rasánjana' by the term 'Asita'.—Dallana.

‡ Dallana recommends 'tain water' as the liquid for the preparation.