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Page:Sushruta Samhita Vol 3.djvu/91

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Chap. XV.]

Any residue of the Arman, left after the excision, should be removed with the application of Lekhya*[1] (scraping) Anjana or eye-salve. An Arman (Cyst-like papilla or protruberance) which is as white as curdled milk (Dadhi), or which looks blood-red or blue or grey, should be treated like a case of Śukrárman (Opacity of the cornea or a flimy and fleshy growth in the eye). An Arman which is very thick and looks like a piece of skin and covered over with fibres of flesh and nerves †[2], as well as one occurring on the Krishna-mandala (region of the iris) should be excisioned. The eye assumes its former and natural colour and function, and becomes free from pain and other complications by the proper excision of an Arman. 5-8.

Treatment of Sirá-Jála and Sirá-pidaká: — In a case of Sirá-Jála, the hardened veins (Sirá) should be hung down with a hook (Vadiśa) and scraped with a Mandalágra (round-topped) instrument. Cysts or pimples (Pidakás) appearing on the diseased veins in a case of the aforesaid Sirá-Jála and not proving amenable to the application of medicines, should be excisioned as in a case of Arma with a Mandalâgra instrument. Pratisárana (rubbing) as in a case of Arma and Lekhana (scraping) with due regard to the nature of the deranged Doshas involved in each case, are also recommendad in both the diseases (Sirá-Jála and Sirá-Pidaká) under discussion. 9.

Treatment of Parvaniká:— in a case of Parvaniká the place of junction ‡[3] (of the lachrymal

  1. * For Lekhya Anjana see Chapter XII, para 16 of this Uttara Tantra.
  2. † Some here read (Symbol missingSanskrit characters) (veins) in place of '(Symbol missingSanskrit characters)'
  3. ‡ The 'junction' is the junction of the Krishna-mandala and the S'ukla-mandala of the eye. — Dallana.