Page:Swahili tales.djvu/107

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And they went on till they met, Sultan Darai and his father-in-law, and they gave their hands to one another and each kissed his fellow warmly, and they went together to the house.

And when they went to the house, the young lady said to her people, "Put him apart in a room where no one will see him," because her lover was come.

The Sultan ordered food, and they came and ate, and conversed much till the time of the night was come; and Sultan Darai was put in an inner room, he and his gazelle, and three soldiers at the door to attend upon him, till the night was over.

When it dawned, the gazelle went and said to the Sultan, and it said, "Master, the work a man comes for is what he attends to; so then, Master, we want you to marry us our wife, for the soul of Sultan Darai is eager." And he said, "The wife is ready, call the mualim, and let him come." And they went and called the mualim, and he came. "Come now, we want you to marry this gentleman." "By all means, I am ready;" and he took and married him. The Sultan ordered the cannon to be fired, and they fired the cannon many times. And the Sultan ordered the music to play, that every nation should play its own music. And so Sultan Darai went into the house.

Then the next day the gazelle said to its master, "I am setting out on a journey, in seven days I shall be back; and if I am not back in seven days, don't you go out of the house till I come." And he said, "Very good; please God I will not." And it said, "Farewell, fare very well, master."

And it went and took leave of the Sultan of the country, and said to him, "Master." And he said, "Here, gazelle." And it said, "Sultan Darai has sent me to go to his town, to get the house in order; he has told me to be back in