Page:Swahili tales.djvu/167

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And he gave him food, and he ate and was satisfied. And he asked what had happened to him, and he told him all. "And I am sultan here in the town, but to-morrow I will resign it and give it to you, my master. I dare not be sultan before you." And he said, "Very good."

In the morning he gathered all the people in the town, and they went to the sultan. And he adorned his master bravely, and clothed him with the royal robes. And when he came out, the people wondered—what sort of news is this? And he said, "I have called you to say, 'Have you given me this kingship in truth, or in jest?'" And the vizirs said, "We have given it you in truth." And he asked, "What pleases me, does it please you also?" And they answered, "It pleases us."

And he said, "It pleases me that this man should be our sultan." And they answered, "We consent." And they asked, "Who is this man?" And he said, "This is my rightful master and sultan there at home, but this is God's ordering."

And those that were in the town had great joy. And that Bedouin was drowned, and all his property was given to the poor. And they lived in peace and enjoyment till the end.