Page:Swahili tales.djvu/343

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"Yes, Sultan, you told me yourself, 'Sell dear, don't sell cheap,' and this is the note which the Vizir wrote for me; read it yourself, Sultan, that you may know that these things are true."

The Sultan took the note and read it, and he said, "True, Ali, you did sell dear, and not cheap."

And the Sultan arose and called the Vizir. And he said, "Here, sir." And he said to the people, "You who are at the audience, great and small, Banyan, and Arab, and Sheheri, and Comoro man, and Swahili, and all the people in the land. Now then, I have taken him away, he has neither the Vizirship nor the Sultanship, his condition is like that of the townspeople. And now this Ali has become my chief Vizir; every one, whatever he desires, be it man, or woman, Arab, or European, let all go to Ali; there it is that their business will be concluded."

And this story was made by Ninga.