Page:Swahili tales.djvu/365

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"And Alfan said to Bolukia, 'Now let us make a cage to catch the king of the snakes, and when he has gone into the cage let us shut it and carry him off.'

"And he said, 'Come on,' And they made a cage, and put in it two cups, one of milk and one of wine. And they went on till they reached the mountain.

"I was there, I had not yet left to go to my own town. And they went and placed the cage, and I went into it and drank the wine, and intoxicated myself, and they fastened me in and carried me away.

"So when I awoke, I saw that I was being carried by men, and that Bolukia was there and was carrying me. And I said, 'The sons of men are not good, what is it now that you want?' And they said to me, 'We want a medicine to anoint our feet with, that we may walk upon the sea till we arrive where we wish to go.' And I said, 'Let us go on.'

"And they went with me as far as an island, and that island had many trees. And those trees when they saw me all said, 'I am a medicine for such a thing;' 'I am a medicine for such a thing;' 'I am a medicine for the head;' 'I am a medicine for the feet;' till one tree said, 'I, if any one anoints his feet with me, he can walk upon the sea.'

"And they said, 'That is what we want.' And they took plenty. And they returned and took me there to the mountain. And they unfastened me, and let me go. And they said to me, 'Good-bye,' and I said to them, 'Good-bye.'

"And they went on their way, and when they reached the sea, they anointed their feet, and passed over it. And they went thus till they arrived after many days, and came near the place where slept the prophet Solomon. In a place near it, Alfan prepared his medicines, and they went on.