psychology will teach the scientist "the difference between God and man, and between man and nature: also the difference between the real and the apparent, and between the apparent or unreal and the non-existent."
The Doctor very properly begins with a "Statement of Being," and holds that the idea of God is always the beginning, and that it is necessary to "return to first principles, the absolute truth about God, and from that truth as a divine centre, to re-construct and re-state all our knowledge."
"No system or science can ever be true unless it starts from God as a centre; and a false idea of God will vitiate the whole. There is one God: even Jesus Christ. He is manifested by Life, Love, Goodness, Wisdom and Power. * * * * There is no space, or time, state or condition, spiritual or natural, in the universe, where this life of God with its attributes, Love, Goodness and Wisdom does not exist. This divine life, or essential being, expresses itself by Power, Order, Law, Intelligence, Use, Harmony, Beauty, Peace, Health and Happiness. The divine life is omnipresent, omniscient and omnipotent; to which nothing can be added; from which nothing can be abstracted. It creates nothing opposite or contrary to itself. It creates everything in its own image and likeness. All things from the atom to the Man, reflect their Creator. * * These are absolute truths; true everywhere and always."—Page 10.
This is true as far as it goes, though somewhat vague in its terms, especially when taken in connection with a warning given in the preface, and with its elaboration in sub-