the opposing evil and the false. The new truths are met by falsities which are agreeable to man's selfish and sensual life, which masquerade as truths, and blind reason by sophistries, and seek to defeat the Lord's ends, by feeding man's vanity and self-sufficiency in the name of spiritual christianity. It is thus that we find the most transcendent truths in company with mere insanities and falsities, and minds apparently impelled by the best of motives involved in most destructive errors. This is unavoidable in such a time of transition and judgment. The only remedy is instruction in genuine truths. The fountain of the needed truths is the revelation which the Lord has made for His New Church in the writings of Emanuel Swedenborg.
It has come to pass as Dr. Wilkinson predicted forty years ago, "that while an unbelieving century could see nothing in Swedenborg, its sucessor more truthful and trustful sees more and more; and strong indications exist," he said, "that in another five-and-twenty years the field occupied by this author must be visited by the leaders of opinion en masse, and whether they will or no; because it is not proselytism that will take