studied in the acknowledgment of the doctrines of spiritual life and in connection with physiology will prove to be the "key" to a new medicine as it is the lamp of a new life. It has been my hope to win some minds to the study of this better way, and to steady some who are already trying to walk in it, and who are sometimes deceived by side lights which are only the ignis fatui of naturalism, miscalled idealism.
While the principles of a true Christian Science of mental and bodily health are being studied from the facts and doctrines of the revelation made through Swedenborg, they will not go far astray who remember religion is of life, and that our chief concern is to live the principles of true religion as revealed in the Word and its doctrine, trusting the Lord as our Heavenly Father, who will lead us and teach us, and as an Almighty Redeemer who, if we "continue in His Word," will deliver us by His truth. When man will thus look to the Lord and do what He teaches, living in the reality and power of spiritual things; concerned only that evils should be brought to light that they may be repented of and put away, trusting the Lord to overrule all things for good to them that love Him, then