which seeks to maintain its idealism come to negation of spiritual life by denying to spirit, form or function, unless it admits into its thinking these facts of a distinct spiritual body and a distinct spiritual world.
This entirely distinct but very real spiritual world exists and subsists from its own sun, which is pure love from Jehovah God in the midst of it; and the natural world exists from its sun which is pure fire, in itself dead, but sustained and actuated by influx from the spiritual sun. The author says:
"The reason why there is one sun of the spiritual world and another sun of the natural world, is because those worlds are altogether distinct; and a world derives its origin from its sun; for a world in which all things are spiritual cannot originate from a sun all things from which are natural, for thus influx would be physical, which nevertheless is contrary to order. That the world existed from the sun, and not vice versa, is manifest from an effect of this cause, viz., that the world in all and each of its parts subsists by means of the sun, and subsistence demonstrates existence, wherefore it is said that subsistence is perpetual existence; from whence it is evi-