natural sun; and both are conjoined in operation, in like manner as the soul is conjoined with the body."
Spiritual things cannot proceed from any other source than from love, and love from no other source than from the Lord who is love itself; therefore the spiritual sun from which, as from their fountains all spiritual things stream forth, is pure love proceeding from the Lord who is in the midst of it. That sun is not the Lord, but is from Him; it is the nearest sphere around him, from Himself. By means of this sun the universe was created by the Lord.
The heat from the sun of the spiritual world is in its essence love, and the light from that sun is in its essence wisdom; and the heat and light from the sun of the natural world serve them for clothing that they may pass to nature and to man. These things are matters of experience; and as facts can be thought about. As soon as they are considered reason perceives abundant confirmations. "It is well known that in the Word, and thence in the common language of preachers the Divine love is expressed by fire; as when prayer is offered that heavenly fire may fill the heart and kindle holy