their explanation. Sleep being partial through any of many possible mental and physical conditions, associate spirits approach, and carry on a train of thought previously engaged in, or inject by their own thinking new and incongruous ones, and present real or fantastic images to the sight of the imagination. The will being unconscious, and an abnormal state giving them access to the mental organism, they can do with, and present before the mind, what they will.
Man's freedom and rationality being impaired by mental conditions, caused by a disorderly life or by some injury to the mind's instrument, the physical brain, as in the various forms of insanity, spirits can possess and dictate his actions according to their conceits, even in direct opposition to his prevailing character before disease.
As a man in a mob without the guidance of reason may do what the mob wills and impels; so a man may from mental causes bring himself into spiritual associations, which, in a moment of excitement or sudden provocation will prove too strong for his judgment, and carry him away into a fit of so-called "emotional insanity." By harbor-