there is correspondence there is influx and reception of those principles. It is thus the life of the Lord makes the life of the angel, not by continuity but by correspondence; by similarity of form, and co-operation of the form actuated with the principle actuating. On the other hand the angelic form corresponds to some specific organic form in the human body, and the life of the angel to the function of that organ. And as all the members and organs of the body are grouped and related according to function to the whole human form and orderly life of man; so the angels are associated according to similarity of life, and related to the whole human form, by the Divine Human of the Lord which flows in and is received by each according to his relation to the whole. By correspondence with the Lord, heaven receives His life, each for all and all for each; by correspondence with the human form, all things in man subsist through heaven from the Lord.
This explanation is offered to guard against the conclusion that because the Lord is the only life, therefore the life of angel or man is the Lord's life, and that man or angel is the Lord. The Lord is the only