ing to their correspondence with the members, organs and viscera. "They act from what is opposite. Heaven, which is the Grand Man, keeps all things in connection and safety; hell as being in the opposite destroys and rends all things asunder; consequently if the infernals are applied they induce disease." They are conjunctively associated with the mind so far as it is in evil and falsity, and thence infest the body. "Evil closes the smallest and altogether invisible vessels, of which the next greater which are also invisible are composed; for the smallest and invisible vessels are continued to a man's interiors. Hence comes the first and inmost obstruction, and hence the first and inmost vitiation of the blood; this when it increases causes disease, and at length death. If man had lived the life of good, his interiors would be open to heaven, and through heaven to the Lord; thus also the smallest and invisible vessels would be without disease, and would only decrease to old age; and when the body could no longer minister to his spirit he would pass without disease out of his earthly body into a body such as the angels have, thus out of the world immediately into heaven."[1]
- ↑ Arcana Cœlestia, n. 5712, 5726.