Page:Swedenborg, Harbinger of the New Age of the Christian Church.djvu/273

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I ought to think of Swedenborg's visions and of his explanations of the Bible. This honorable man answered me with the spirit of true tolerance: 'Let God be the judge how these things are in reality! But I cannot pass the same • judgment upon him that many others do; I have spoken with him myself, and I have found in company where he was with me that he is a pious and good man.'

"The chaplain of the Imperial Russian Legation, Oronoskow, who was in Stockholm during the time of the ambassador, Count Ostermann, was a monk of the Alexander-Newsky order, and led an orderly and pious life—quite differently from the other Russian priests who had been here before him. He became acquainted with me and I lent him Swedenborg's books, which he said he read with the greatest delight. He desired to see Swedenborg and to talk with this remarkable man. I complied with his desire, and invited Swedenborg and him to dinner, in company with the late President of the Royal College of Commerce, Mr. von Carleson, and the Councillor of Chancery, Mr. Berch, together with several of my relatives. During dinner the chaplain asked Swe-