Page:Swedenborg, Harbinger of the New Age of the Christian Church.djvu/291

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are blind?"—the little girl said, "I am thinking of God, our Father, who will some day take me to Him, and show me all His splendor." Truly, my good people, it was only at the corner of the street that she sat, yet I took off my hat, and bowed my head, for I knew that God was near, and that this was a holy place. . . . And now, my friends, look back upon these thirty years during which you have followed me almost daily with your eyes, and then judge whether it is I or others who are Christian. Judge for yourselves—I submit myself to your judgment—and then do what you deem to be right.'

"He beckoned with his hand and they went away; and then quietly, as if nothing had happened, he continued his reading.

"The next day they stood again, in their week-day clothes, in the presence of their master, who asked them with a friendly smile—'Well, how did the examination turn out?'

"'Oh, master Assessor,' said both of them, 'we looked for a single word, for a single action, which was not in agreement with what the Lord had commanded us, yet we could not find a single one.'

"'Very well,' said Swedenborg; 'but it is not