Page:Swedenborg, Harbinger of the New Age of the Christian Church.djvu/303

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Lord Jesus Christ, predictions of second coming, 1, 20; in Him first seen man in image of God, 11; first did the will of the Father on earth, 11; seen by disciples in glory, 18 ; His coming needed for conjunction

of man with God, 100-105; and for the Head of human society, 133, 134; how He now shows Himself, 171, 186; His first coming the beginning of permanent dwelling with men, 189; distinction between the human and the Divine in Him, 206-208.

Luther, revolt against the Roman church, 13; his error, 13, 14.

Man, primeval, little known, 5.

Metals, study of, 73, 74, 79, 89; recommendations to Diet about, 83, 84.

Muses, referred to, 50.

Nathorst, Professor, quoted, 68.

Newburger, quoted, 128.

Nexus, need of, the Son of God, 100-105.}}

Oberlin, Father, quoted, 254-257. Oetinger, letter to, 141; quoted, 249-251.

Peter, representing the faith of the Church, 19.

Philosophy, elemental, 60, 61, 66, 77-79, 86-88, 90; spiritual, 95-105.

Pierce, Professor, quoted, 135.

Polheimer, 44, 49, 51, 54, 56.

Proofs, printer's, not well corrected, 267.

Purpose, the Divine, mirrored in the universe, 2; revealed in Scripture, 3; is man in the image of his Creator, 5.

Reason, relation to Revelation, 105; use and enjoyment of the faculty, 108-112, 121; impaired by self-love, 110- 112, 120.

Receipt, lost and found, 246-248.

Regeneration, nature of, 137-175; need of the world to learn, 150; deep, of Swedenborg, 173-175.

Representations, and correspondences, 124, 125.

Retzius, quoted, 129.

Roberg, Dr., 53, 61.

Robsahm, quoted, 170-172, 257-268.

Rules of life, 137, 138.

Russia, war with opposed by Swedenborg. 211.

Russians, approach of, 45.

Sacred Scripture, reveals the Divine will in man's thought and speech, 3, 22; a ladder of ascent into the Divine presence, of; inwardly full of Divine wisdom, 3, 22; to be interpreted rationally by aid of the Holy Spirit, 22 ; philosophy can never be contrary to, 95; the only resort when reason fails, 105 ; belief in most happy, 119; unsealing of, 175-188, 192;