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Page:Swine; a book for students and farmers.djvu/139

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tion. If the building is not a very long one, the chimney may be constructed at the opposite end of the building from the feed cooker, and the pipe from the feed cooker run the whole length of the building before it enters the chimney. In a long building the chimney may be placed about the center, so as not to have too great length of stove pipe. The heat from the stove pipe has a wonderful influence in aiding the circulation of the air in the pen, as well as modifying the temperature and helping to keep the air dry. In fact, where winter litters are raised in large pens, some such device as this is absolutely necessary.

Light. Light, especially sunlight, has a wonderful influence in promoting health. So far as possible, the windows should be on the south side of the building, because the south side gets the most sun and is least exposed to cold winds.

Draughts. While ventilation is necessary, draughts are extremely injurious, and their prevention should be kept in view when building.

Warmth. Warmth is a good thing, but it should not be secured at the expense of ventilation. A somewhat cold pen, well ventilated but free from draughts, is preferable to a warm pen where the air is damp and foul, and the pigs will suffer less discomfort in the former than in the latter. Very young pigs require wanner quarters than older ones, and when a sow farrows in winter, special pains should be taken to secure warmth and freedom from draughts. If she is in a large piggery, it is often a help to lay poles across the tops of the partitions over the bed, and then cover these poles with straw.