Page:Syariah Penal Code Order, 2013.pdf/8

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124. Qatl and its kinds.
125. Qatlul-'amd.
126. Punishment for qatlul-'amd.
127. Qatlul-'amd due to ikrah.
128. Qatl caused by being hired.
129. Qatlul-'amd committed in self-defence.
130. Qatlul-'amd committed by public servant.
131. Right of qisas of wali-ad-dam in qatlul-'amd.
132. Cases in which punishment of qatlul-'amd not enforced.
133. Pardon in respect qatlul-'amd.
134. Compound of qisas.
135. Acquittal or punishment after pardon or compound of qisas.
136. Commission of qatlul-'amd by wali-ad-dam after pardon or compound of qisas.
137. Attempt to commit qatlul-'amd.
138. Abetment of qatlul-'amd.
Qatlu syibhil-'amd
139. Qatlu syibhil-'amd.
140. Punishment of qatlu syibhil-'amd.
141. Proof of qatlu syibhil-'amd.
142. Pardon of diyat in qatlu syibhil-'amd.
143. Acquittal or punishment after pardon of diyat.
144. Attempt to commit qatlu syibhil-'amd.