Page:T.M. Royal Highness.djvu/255

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"Well, young Prince?" he said, and stared down at him.…

Klaus Heinrich saluted and hurried up the red stair-carpet. He felt that the situation could only be saved by swiftness and, so to speak, by an attack by storm.

"You will be astounded, Mr. Spoelmann," he said, "at this early hour &hellip" He was out of breath, and the fact disturbed him greatly, he was so little used to it.

Mr. Spoelmann answered him by a look and a shrug of the shoulders, as much as to say that he could control himself, but desired an explanation.

"The fact is, we have an appointment …" said Klaus Heinrich. He was standing two steps below the million aire and was speaking up him. "An appointment for a ride between Miss Imma and myself.… I have promised to show the ladies the 'Pheasantry' and the Court Kennels.… Miss Imma told me that she knew nothing about the surrounding country. It was agreed that on the first fine day … It's such a lovely day to-day.… It is of course subject to your approval.…"

Mr. Spoelmann shrugged his shoulders, and made a face as if to say: "Approval—why so?"

"My daughter is grown up," he said. "I don't interfere. If she rides, she rides. But I don't think she has time. You must find that out for yourself. She's in there." And Mr. Spoelmann pointed his chin towards the tapestry door, through which Klaus Heinrich had already once passed.

"Thanks," said Klaus Heinrich. "I'll go and see for myself." And he ran up the remaining steps, pushed the tapestry hanging aside with a determined gesture, and went down the steps into the sunlit, flower-scented winter garden.

In front of the splashing fountain and the basin with fancy-feathered ducks sat Imma Spoelmann leaning over