time of the S.W. monsoon, the barometer is higher during S.W. winds and the lowest with the northerly and N.E. winds. In the winter, when the N. monsoon prevails, we see the highest barometer, quite as in other countries, with N.N.E. and N.W. winds, and the lowest with S.W. winds, when the monsoon wind is disturbed. Thus we find that in each monsoon period the highest pressure of the atmosphere exists when the relative monsoon wind reigns freely without disturbance.
The greatest difference of barometer in 1872 was 1.29 inch. The fluctuations or differences between lowest and highest barometer are the following:—
It will be seen that the greatest fluctuation took place in May (0.86).
The highest barometer of the year was on the 19th February=30.52.
The lowest on the 31st July=29.23.
The temperature of Nagasaki is largely affected by the warm current, Kuro shiwo or “black stream,’ ’which runs as another gulf stream along the whole east coast of Japan, and causes chiefly the much milder climate of the eastern coast as compared with that on the west coast. The meteorological data which have been procured on the west coast of Japan are unfortunately very few. It is, however, certain that a most decided difference of temperature is to be observed between places on the east and west coast of Japan. It would be of great value to have an